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  • Writer's pictureJanet Cabrera

Alumni Profile: Irma Adame “How Bessel Connected Me with Mentors”

Many students finish college without a clear plan for their career. They need real-world work experience to understand what industries and roles would be a good fit for them. We recently caught up with Irma Adame, who completed the Bessel Origin program last fall. Irma is a graduate of the University of California Santa Cruz, where she studied psychology.

In this interview, Irma shares what the Bessel Origins experience taught here about human factors psychology, the medical device industry, and working on a professional team.

What attracted you to the Bessel Origin Program?

“What attracted me the most to Bessel was the opportunity to get first-hand experience. Medical devices were something I was interested in but did not know anyone in the industry. I was also attracted to the structure of the program with a cohort of small teams.”

What did you learn from being part of the Bessel Origin Program?

“Through the program, I was able to learn different skills. The primary skill I gained was the ability to collaborate effectively with a team. We learned how to depend on each other. I also got a lot of advice from experts that the program director, Chris Danek, brought in, such as Lee Price, who taught us how to work on our LinkedIn profile. I know that LinkedIn is essential in the job search.”

How is Bessel Origin different from an internship or class? What makes it different from other programs?

“Bessel Origin is different from other programs because it makes you feel like you are working. You gain a lot more hands-on experience than a class or internship. Some programs allow learning but in an observing way instead of taking control of your project. Bessel understands the importance of ownership over your work.”

How did Bessel help you towards your career goals?

"I was interested in many different focuses within the psychology field. Bessel allowed me to explore the human factors path and create a LinkedIn profile to tell my story. I also made connections with people in the fields I’m pursuing. I still keep in contact with my mentor."

What is next for you?

“As of right now, I am currently working as an office assistant but constantly trying to gain more experience so I can apply to grad school.”

Would you recommend Bessel to other recent grads?

"Yes! Bessel is a way to get your foot in the door."

We enjoyed catching up with Irma and we’re grateful that Bessel has helped her make connections with mentors in the industry. We wish Irma the best of luck in her job search.

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