by Chris Danek
Learn fast, adapt, drive forward.
That’s how we like to approach projects. But we work in the medical device industry, and the reality is that changes can be slow and expensive—even early in a program when it pays to iterate quickly.

That’s why our team at Bessel is excited to help medtech companies converge faster with our FASTSTART program. Here's an example where we put additive manufacturing to work as a bridge from prototyping to low-volume production.
Solving the agility paradox of injection molded parts.
The beginning of every medical device project has low volumes and lots of changes. This creates a paradox when your design calls for injection molded parts because your team’s creativity is diverted toward compensating for long tooling lead times.
With industrial 3D printers at our partner, the W.M. Keck Center for 3D Innovation, we prototype parts in the engineering resin of choice that meet all your design’s requirements, FAST. We can iterate and create as many as 10X more design cycles than a team could accomplish during development using a traditional injection molding process. Just like you probably already do using 3D printing for rapid prototyping.
The difference here? Low-volume additive manufacturing, in a material representative of the production material, lets you evaluate all your verification and validation criteria. Then we can help you transition your designs to final V&V and production using either additive manufacturing or injection molding.
This is just one example of Bessel’s approach to rapid innovation. We’re energized by helping teams learn fast, adapt, and drive forward without the cost and headaches they’re used to navigating.
We’re helping teams find focus and swarm their most pressing problems. And we’re doing it fast.
Let’s move faster. Interested? Send us a note.