Many companies have been forced to cancel their internship programs based on the COVID-19 pandemic. This is socially and financially responsible in the current economic climate. Unfortunately, this leaves the current group of undergraduate students in a precarious position for the future.
Bessel has customized an offering to solve this dilemma. Our 2020 Summer Jobs Training Program provides students with work experience and skills development, and at the same time, offers companies a socially and financially responsible way to invest in the future.
We will help participating students and employers emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic in a stronger position through our 2020 Summer Jobs Training program.
Students apply to enroll. Multi-disciplinary teams will be formed and subsidized by a Sponsor Company.
Student teams get real-world work experience, workshops and digital badging in critical skills, and the opportunity to make an impact through meaningful projects. Student teams will get professional mentoring on a weekly basis and close interaction with their Sponsor. This results in actual work experience and digital badging which will help students' career development.
Sponsor Companies will identify star performers to hire during the recovery, get high-value work product on a professionally curated, company-specific problem, all at an investment level appropriate during a contraction of the workforce.
For more information about our programs and to sign up for more information, see